Once downloaded and unpacked (e.g. using the "tar -zxvf cloog-0.18.4.tar.gz" command),
you can compile CLooG by typing the following commands on the CLooG's root directory:
And as root: make install
CLooG comes with an embedded version of isl
so you should not need to install
any polyhedral library if you don't have one. In any other case please check the
documentation page.
The current version is a major step since 0.14.x, including a much better API.
The "old way" to interface with CLooG should still work, however we plan to remove it
for the next major version, so please update...
The new version is still under evaluation, and there is no guarantee that
the upward compatibility will be respected. A lot of reports are needed to
freeze the library API and the input file shape. So you are very welcome and
encouraged to send reports on bugs, wishes, critics, comments, suggestions or
successful experiences to the according mailing list, see the
documentation page.
The embedded version of isl
used by CLooG needs the GNU Multiple Precision
Arithmetic Library. It should be installed in your system before trying
to install CLooG. At the moment, isl offers only multiple precision (no 32 bits
nor 64 bits: if you need such a version you should consider either CLooG-polylib
or CLooG-parma, please check the documentation
for those versions). Once GMP is downloaded and unpacked (e.g., using the
"tar -jxvf gmp-6.0.0a.tar.bz2" command),
you can compile it by typing the following commands on GMP's root directory:
./configure --prefix=/usr
And as root: make install
If you install GMP this way, it should be OK. If you are doing another way
and you are experiencing problems, please have a look at the
documentation on installation. If nothing
works for you, ask us using the according mailing list
(see documentation page).
To benefit from the latest improvements and bug fixes you can try the
development version of CLooG:
A major improvement is the support of multiple backends, not
only PolyLib. CLooG is now supporting
PPL and the
(Integer Set Library) is the default backend.
Because isl does not rely on rationals, CLooG is able to generate
significantly better codes, with low control overhead. To compile the
development version of CLooG with the isl backend: